Monday, December 5, 2016


The IEUBK model is a tool developed by the US EPA to determine blood lead levels in children.  It is used to determine the blood levels in a hypothetical child or in a population.  The results can than be applied to estimate how much lead a child has been exposed to.  This is such a critical tool because we see IQ levels drop at very low concentrations of lead, along with other health effects.  Lead has been used in industry and products for quiet some time, although it is not as prevalent anymore.  However in older homes that were painted with lead paint at one point, we still see an unacceptable level of lead.  Even some toys coming from countries like China, are sold in US market with very high levels of lead.  This is dangerous because a child could be tempted to chew on this, and the lead would enter their body. 
The four components of the IEUBK model use mathematical and statistical components to create a probability.  The model accepts exposure data on an annual basis to become more accurate.   Comparing predictions with real world data is vital.   It is crucial to the EPA that the modeling mechanisms are understood for the most accurate data possible. It is very difficult to make the mathematical relationships capable of being translated into computer code.  The model has been internally and externally validated, and is a useful tool for many purposes.  The EPA superfund sites use this model on there projects all around the country.  There are some limitations to the model, but in most cases it proves appropriate.  While experimenting with the model myself, I can see its usefulness.  It is unpractical to be able to test the blood lead level of every child, and this is a great tool in making that estimate. 

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