Sunday, October 30, 2016

Alcohol effects on the liver

Most people are aware that excessive consumption of alcohol is very dangerous for an individual.   Alcohol consumption can have a whole array of effects on your whole body.  Your liver however, is one of the organs it affects the most negatively.  Alcohol is considered a toxin to the liver.  It is important to note that males and females break down alcohol in different ways in part. Men have a higher concentration of dehydrogenase, an enzyme that helps o break down alcohol.  So women are genetically more prone to experiencing the harmful effects of alcohol.  Cirrhosis of the liver is the scaring of the liver tissue, and it is a pretty easy concept to understand.  When you get a cut on your skin, your body regenerates cells and often forms some sort of scare tissue.  Your liver works very much the same way.  When cells are damaged or die the liver attempts to regenerate them.  This is what causes the scaring of the liver also known as cirrhosis.  Just like a scare on your body, the scars to the liver may fade. 
If the excessive alcohol use is relatively short term, the liver can reverse almost all damage.  However, if the damage to the liver is long term, effects may not be reversible.  It is very important your liver is kept healthy, it is involved in almost 500 hundred functions in the body.  This includes anything from cleansing you body of toxins, to helping regulate your immune system.  Most humans can actually live a normal healthy life with only 10 percent of there liver. However this is dangerous in some ways because a person may not see any signs of harm until the majority of there liver is destroyed.  With similar diseases to the liver like Fatty Liver Disease, the person can experience an almost endless spell of related side effects.
  This includes things like feeling bloated, low energy, and even pain in your back and shoulders.  Most medical experts say that moderate alcohol consumption is perfectly fine for your liver.  This is usually considered around 10-12 drinks a week, spread out through out.  Allowing your body time to process the alcohol is very important.  For example, 10 drinks a week may not be harmful, but 10 drinks within a few hours will have increasing harmful effects.  This is because your body is not allowed sufficient time to break the chemical down.  Also staying hydrated and having food in your stomach helps with breaking down the alcohol.  Maybe not so surprisingly, up to 55% of heavy drinkers have some form of cirrhosis of the liver.  In females specifically, it is even more than that.  This can have a compounding effect once it does develop because it makes the liver more and more ineffective.  Meaning there is less and less amount of good tissue to try and break down the toxins.  So a person may continue to drink the same amount of alcohol, but actually be damaging the liver more and more severely each time.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Radon is a huge issue in today’s modern homes.  Why is it so dangerous?  Well for starters it is a colorless and odorless gas.  It is safe to say, a large portion of home owners do not even know about radon, or its many dangers to you and your family.   Surprising almost every home in the United States has radon in at least some concentration.  What is most surprising, is radon is the number two leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and Canada.  It is only surpassed by smoking.  Meaning if you do not smoke, this is your number one cause of potential lung cancer.  Experts recommend to detect this gas in your home, put a detector in for at least 90 days. 
There is no way of knowing if your home contains radon without actually testing.  Your house may have a very low radon level, while the house just next-door may have a very high level.  There are however certain landscapes that have a higher than average radon level.  Also homes with basements are more prone to increased radon levels.  This is because the source of radon is the soil/bedrock.  Now how would one go about correcting this?  Well you would need to install and exhaust fan.  This will actually pull air out from under your house or basement and exhaust it.  It is a fairly easy install and almost always remediates the problem.  Radon concentrations are usually built up under the concrete slab/foundation of a home.  The point of exhaust is important because the gas needs to be expelled at a point that will not make re-entrainment an issue.  Meaning the particles find their way back into the home somehow.   It is ok to have some radon in the atmosphere.  In fact, it is literally everywhere in the world.  The danger is centered on the fact that your house is a closed structure.  Meaning it has not way to escape.  This is when you see harmful concentrations, especially if you have a basement.  Some suggest simply opening up your windows, which seems overly simple but actually works. However this is not as effective as a proper exhaust fast but better than nothing.  Although in rather extreme ends of the climate spectrum, both hot and cold, that is not very ideal.  Properly sealing the foundation of your home will also help prevent radon exposure.  But why is radon so dangerous anyway.  Well due to the type of radiation it is, it usually doesn’t penetrate the body.  However when your are breathing it in it is a much different story.   Think of this as if you are ingesting it.  The part of the body it comes in contact with mainly is the lungs.  Because this is a very small particle it makes its way deep into your respiratory cavity.  This is a good representation of how the smaller the particle is, the more dangerous.  Once in the lung it comes in contact with the cells.  We know that this, just like any other source of radiation can cause cancers and abnormalities.  This is a slow process due to the concentrations, but you are in your home quiet often.  This means you are getting a steady does all the time, which is why it is so dangerous. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dermal absorption

Dermal absorption is one of the main ways chemicals enter our body.  In pharmacology, we use dermal absorption as a pathway to give medications.  Dermal absorption is useful in administering medication because doses can be received gradually.  This method is nothing new, for a very long time we have been using the skin as a portal of entry into the body.  But dermal absorption can also be very detrimental to our health.  In an occupational setting we see this as a hazard.  In any industrial process there is some form of chemicals used.  These chemicals may or may not come in contact with the skin on a regular basis.  Examples of chemicals you put on your skin on a daily basis include things like self care products.  This means things like make-up, shampoos, conditioner, fragrances, and more.  We don’t think about these chemicals moving through our skin when we put these products on, but they do.  In fact, some researchers are now linking a spike in breast cancer to deodorants and other products.  The skin is a much more passive barrier than one may think.  Chemicals like nail polish remover (acetone) can be applied to the skin, enter the blood stream, and are traced on the breath in literally seconds.  This is an especially big concern in industrial settings were a persons may have be using acetone for extended periods of time.  Labor-intensive processes like cleaning parts by hand make it virtually impossible to not come in contact with acetone.  So how do chemicals enter such a solid barrier like the skin?  Well take a closer look and it’s not as solid as you may think.  Chemicals can pass in between cells and enter the blood stream.  Many factors contribute to the wiliness of the skin to let a chemical pass.  This includes temperature, level of moisture, health and thickness of the skin, etc. 
Dermal absorption is very dangerous when talking about toxins because it is not something people tend to think about when they get something on their skin.  Once that chemical seeps through your skin it spreads all over your body via blood stream.  Certain heavy metals in liquid form can cause neurological damage just from being dripped on the skin.  This is why it is always important to consider the type of PPE (personnel protective equipment) when you know you will be working with a hazardous chemical.  Many chemicals require very specific PPE because they can pass through common PPE like nitrite gloves.  This is why we have information available like SDSs.  Overall, in the occupational setting dermal absorption is often over looked.  However it is extremely prevalent in many industries and trades.  The first step to preventing this is to see if it is possible to engineer out the hazard.  But either not be done or it is too costly to do so in many scenarios.  At this point is when you need to consider the proper PPE.  As previously stated, all this preventive measures information should be found on the SDS for that chemical provided by the company that manufactures it. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Cancer and Carcinogens

The word “cancer” alone can strike fear into many people.  To many of us, we associate cancer with death and sickness.  But what is cancer and how does it work?  Well, a cancer cell is formed when the DNA replication process is messed up.  This is referred to as a mutation.   You may not have cancer, but the cells in your body have probably “mutated” millions of times without you knowing it.  So why do we not all have cancer?  Well this is because the cell has several series of fail-safes.  Each cell has a sort of spell check, but for DNA oppose to words.  Your cells will recognize a mutation in DNA and cut it out, replacing it with the correct sequence.  But even this does not work 100 percent of the time.  If the cell recognizes that the mutation cannot be fixed, it will attempt to kill itself.  This is done to prevent the repeating of an incorrect DNA sequence in future cells.  However, sometimes mutations make it past both of these fail-safes.  When this happens it can result in a cancer cell.  This is bad because this incorrect cell can reproduce.  The cells can than spread its wrong DNA to daughter cells.  These cells can also lack the ability to stop reproducing.  Normal cells will pick up an external signal to stop reproducing, or start reproducing.  Cancer cells just continually dived.  This is where your tumors would form.  And within these tumors, the cells can still mutate from each other. 
This means in one tumor there can be numerous different types of cancer cells.  This is bad because different cells may than be immune to different drugs used to treat them. This is one of the main challenges the medical community faces when dealing with cancers.  So what causes this type of thing to happen?  Why do we see such a rise in cancer and other terminal illnesses recently?  Well diet is a big part of it.  And so is your environment and other ways chemicals enter your body.  An example of this is smoking.  Smoking cigarettes is known to lead to cancer because the cigarette contains many carcinogens.  A carcinogen is any substance capable of causing cancer in any living tissue.  Many times when talking about carcinogens we are referring to some sort of chemical.  But that is not always the case.  For example, processed meat is now considered a carcinogen.  This is alarming because many of us put that in our body every day.  Many of the pesticides on our food are considered carcinogens.  Even a lot of the chemicals in our personnel care products contain carcinogens.  This includes chemicals for fragrance in our shampoos and conditioners.  Another massive source of carcinogen is pollution.  This can enter the body through the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat etc.  Whether you like it or not, you probably come in contact with a good amount of carcinogens a day in small doses.  The FDA and other organizations are in the continuous process of identifying as many carcinogens as they can for our safety.